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Meditation By Curriculum

Choose a Meditation Based on Curriculum Connection

Each Mindful Minute, paired with its SEL activity from Calm Kids, Calm Classrooms, is designed to connect with various elementary and middle-school curricula. This is why our fifth S of Meditation, Share, is so important - we discuss, learn, reflect, write and draw.

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Curriculum Connections by subject:

Language (Writing, Reading, Media Literacy)

Health and Physical Education


Arts (Visual, Drama/Dance)


Social Studies


Curriculum Connection Resource Bank

In Alphabetical Order

Language (Writing, Reading, Media Literacy)

Affirmations One of Three
Affirmations Part Three of Three
Bottom up Body Scan
Breathing Through Our Body
Chakra Phrases
Chakra Sounds
Exhaling Colours
Figure Eight Breath
Four-Seven-Eight Breathing
Get Nerdy with Breathing
Grow a Tree
Happy Memories Using Word Prompts
What Do You Feel Here and There
Introduction to Mindful Minutes
Oxytocin - Playing with Baby Animals
Pretending You Are Asleep
Rainbow Breath Remember a Time
Running With Wolves
Sea Soundscape
Serotonin - A Walk In Nature
Shooting Star
Stretch and Relax
Super Strength
Swimming With Dolphins
The Earth As Our Lungs
Top Three Part One
Top Three Part Two
Watching the Earth From Space
What Would I Love?
Wishing Well

Health and Physical Education

Affirmations One of Three
Alive Check
Bottom up Body Scan
Candle Breath
Dopamine - Winning and Award
Flex and Relax
Gliding your Finger
Golden Light at Sunset
Gratitude Countdown
Gratitude Part One
Gratitude Part Two
Hand on Belly Breath
iRobot - Staying Healthy
Letting Go
Letting Go Part Two
Loving Kindness
May I Be Well
Mindful Touch
Night Soundscape
Observing With Your Senses
Rainstorm Soundscape
Relaxation Body Scan
Singing Bowl
Small To Big
Soundscape - On A Farm
Soundscape - The Morning
Starfish Still the Wind and Water


Endorphin Meditation - A Million Dollars
Grow a Tree

Arts (Visual, Drama/Dance)

Affirmations Two of Three
Alive Check
Bottom up Body Scan
Breathing Tempo
Chakra Sounds
Emotions in my Body
Exhaling Colours
Happy Place
What Do You Feel Here and There
Magic Carpet
Make Your Own Mantra
Mindful Breathing
Park Soundscape
Square Breathing
Stillness Practice
Stretch and Relax
Warm and Cool
Watching the Earth From Space


Affirmations One of Three
Breathing Tempo
Gliding your Finger
Observing With Your Senses
Singing Bowl

Social Studies

Alive Check
Bottom up Body Scan
Breathing Through Our Body
Candle Breath
Elements in our Body
Forest Soundscape
Gentle Rain
Golden Light at Sunset
Gratitude Countdown
Gratitude Part One
Gratitude Part Two
Introduction to Mindful Minutes
Oxytocin Soundscape: The City


Bottom up Body Scan
Bubbles Elements in our Body
Forest Soundscape
Gentle Rain
Grow a Tree
Introduction to Mindful Minutes
Shooting Star