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Please excuse the mess. We are updating our website


Please excuse the mess. We are updating our website 〰️

Dreamwalkers Meditations

Revolutionizing Mindfulness in Schools

We train overwhelmed teachers of busy classrooms to use Mindful Minute meditations and accompanying SEL resources to improve the academic, social-emotional, mental and behavioural health of their students.

“If every 8 year old in the world is taught meditation, we will eliminate violence from the world within one generation.”

- The Dalai Lama

At Dreamwalkers, We Provide…

  • Keynotes

  • Consultations

  • PD & Training

  • SEL Activities

  • Guided Meditations

  • Assessments

Meditation In Schools Works

  • Increase in Test Scores

    (Smith et al., 2018)

  • Improved Sustained Attention

    (Miller & Patel, 2019)

  • Decrease in Reported Bullying

    (Johnson & Lee, 2020)

  • Decrease in Emotional Outbursts

    (Garcia & Nguyen, 2020)

  • Reduction in Anxiety

    (Taylor et al., 2017)

  • Decrease in Disciplinary Referrals Within the First Year

    (Jones & Brown, 2019)

  • Increase in Prosocial Behaviours

    (Harris & Smith, 2017)

  • Increase in Resilience to Stressors

    (Brown & Wilson, 2018)

Our Reach

  • Streams Across Platforms

  • Countries Accessing Dreamwalkers

  • Students Served

  • Teachers Served

  • Live Audience Count

Meeting Your Needs…

  • Aligned with SEL Compencies

  • Post-Lockdown Recovery

  • Connected to Curriculum

  • Quick & Easy

  • Full Year Program

  • By Teachers, For Teachers

  • Evidence-Based

  • Teacher & Student Approved

  • Impact & Results

Book Launching soon! Coming January, 2025

Your Blueprint For Happier & Healthier Kids

World Meditation Day is May 21st


World Meditation Day is May 21st 〰️

Over 23,000+ students participated with us on
World Meditation Day

Check out all of our best stuff on

⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

"Our school has been committed to supporting the positive mental health of all our students and staff every day. Each day, the entire school stops what they are doing for 5-15 minutes to be mindful. At the sound of a chime broadcast over the PA system, students find a spot where they can relax that is spaced from away others, and begin to take deep breaths and just rest. Forty-five seconds after the chime, the Mindful Minutes begin. These include guided visualizations where the students step into the pages of a story in their imagination and live the experience in 4D. Many of the Mindful Minutes are guided with an instructional and experiential aspect to them. There is a focus for each session, including integrity, kindness, finding calm, and self-esteem, to name a few. Everyone at our school looks forward to finding the calm and having a chance to reflect on themselves each day."

Sue C - Principal

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A Full-Year Mindfulness
& Social-Emotional Learning Program

Everything You Need